Tribute Video

A couple of months ago, taken by the excitement and inspired by the release of the new Evanescence's Single,
us of EvanescenceVille's team (official Evanescence Italian Fan Club) got an idea, a little crazy idea, 
but we strongly believed in it from the first moment!
We didn't want to reveal anything, asking only one thing from the Fans: to share their inner demons, their fears, trying to show the same courage that the band had in getting naked with this song. And so our project started: as a real team we built piece by piece what was born as a tribute to a single song and has become a tribute to the band itself.

The initial inspiration of the project was, as for official video of THE GAME IS OVER, PR Brown's idea of representing graphically the acid trip that every band’s member is making to deal with his own inner demons. This whole idea immediately struck us as fantastic, and talking about it we realized that it almost felt like a video game. So we decided to ask our fanbase which are the demons they fight against and their answers gave us the courage to carry on with the project: lack of self-esteem and fear of not being enough, solitude and people's indifference, failure, the fear of loss and death, of being forgotten, the lack of control, depression...”the inside feelings being so different than what we show on the outside to fit within the boundaries of what’s socially acceptable.” Our player crosses the path of life, down the rabbit hole and finds a way out standing up and “collecting” the bitter truth: the awareness that nobody's gonna come rescue you, and fairy tales aren’t real- BUT that you can rise up from the ashes of death and pain even though it hurts and move forward. No more lies. The bitter truth is all that impossibly hard stuff. And he’s choosing to live. However, moving forward with the project, we had a beautiful revelation: evanescence's music has always been there for us, in every difficult - or good - moment of our life. And this is how our hero, helped by PANG the balloon, finally manages to fight his demons and to reunite with many others who, like him, are facing the difficulties of life. The world becomes full of colors again. Fireworks explode. THE GAME IS OVER. 

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